Evaluation of the combined bending and compression stress field in a human proximal femur


  • G. Urriolagoitia-Calderón
  • L. H. Hernández Gómez
  • M. F. Carbajal-Romero
  • C. V. FeriaReyes
  • Z. Damián Noriega


Regarding the mechanical behavior of the femur, there is an interest to find out if it works under bending or compression. Accordingly, the stress field; over five cross sections along the femur stem, were studied, following a numerical approach with the Finite Element Method, which had been validated in a previous paper with reflective photoelasticity. For this purpose, loads were applied on the femur head as in Taylor’s paper. The numerical model considers the mechanical properties of the cortical and trabecular tissues. The results have shown that the femur stem is under asymmetric bending and the compression.


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Cómo citar

Urriolagoitia-Calderón, G., Hernández Gómez, L. H., Carbajal-Romero, M. F., FeriaReyes, C. V., & Noriega, Z. D. (2003). Evaluation of the combined bending and compression stress field in a human proximal femur. Revista Mexicana De Ingenieria Biomedica, 24(2), 170–175. Recuperado a partir de http://mail.rmib.mx/index.php/rmib/article/view/292



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