Adaptation of the technology for mounting on the surface of controllers for the deployment of liquid crystal.


  • Antonio Andrés M. A. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
  • A. Suárez Fernández Universidad autónoma metropolitana
  • C. Nolasco Suarez Universidad autónoma metropolitana
  • E. Hernández Mateos Universidad autónoma metropolitana
  • F. Martínez Martínez Universidad autónoma metropolitana
  • J. Romero Vázquez Universidad autónoma metropolitana



The method followed is presented to perform, by means of conventional techniques, the assembly of the surface of an LCD controller that is manufactured only in the encapsulation for surface mounting. Initially, the importance of the domain of technology for those who design and contribute to the creation of an access device for devices of the ASIC type is highlighted.


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How to Cite

M. A., A. A., Suárez Fernández, A., Nolasco Suarez, C., Hernández Mateos, E., Martínez Martínez, F., & Romero Vázquez, J. (1991). Adaptation of the technology for mounting on the surface of controllers for the deployment of liquid crystal. Revista Mexicana De Ingenieria Biomedica, 12(2), 4. Retrieved from



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