Diseño de un marcapasos externo a demanda basado en el dsPIC30F4013


  • Israel Huerta Ibarra. Centro de Investigación en Computación-IPN
  • Alfonso Gutiérrez Aldana. Centro de Investigación en Computación-IPN



This paper describes the design and implementation of an external demand pacemaker. Signal conditioning electronic circuits were designed in order to obtain the quantization of cardiac electrogram signals, myocardium stimulation circuits were also designed. Ventricular activity was detected by implementing a QRS complex detector based on Haar wavelet. Detection and pacemaker control algorithms were programmed on the digital signal controller dsPIC30F4013. The developed prototype has been tested on laboratory, using records from MIT-BIH arrhythmia database and on guinea pigs in order to verify its correct operation.


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How to Cite

Huerta Ibarra., I., & Gutiérrez Aldana., A. (2008). Diseño de un marcapasos externo a demanda basado en el dsPIC30F4013. Revista Mexicana De Ingenieria Biomedica, 29(1), 7. Retrieved from http://mail.rmib.mx/index.php/rmib/article/view/331



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